EVA Revenue Accounting System
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ORBIS INFORMATIK was founded as one of the first spin-offs of the technical University of Dortmund, Germany, which nowadays is the largest site for IT-graduation in the country. With our IT-professionals for consulting, system development and system integration we always have focussed on long-range projects with individual customers in banking and manufacturing. The airline revenue accounting system EVA offered here is the synergetic result of more than ten years of usage, consolidation and advance together with the main customers. Surrounding components like imaging of flight coupons and other features have been added recently.


ORBIS INFORMATIK GmbH - Baroper Str. 235 - 44227 Dortmund - GERMANY
Phone: +49 231 75 733-0 - Fax: +49 231 75 733-33 - eMail: eva@orbisinformatik.de - Web: www.orbisinformatik.de